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    Alliance for Martial and Healing Arts







    © 2025 www.amhaonline.org - www.amha.info - mail@amha.info

  • Martial Arts and Healing Arts:

    two sides of the same coin

    In the East martial arts and healing arts have always shared the same principles, the same wisdom and the same life style. In such a context, then, martial arts are considered as life preserving arts par excellence”, either for self-defense or for prevention of illness. In China and Japan, in fact, longevity, spirit and health are obtained through processes which are very similar to those needed to acquire fighting skills. In particular, Qi Gong (a health oriented discipline) and Taiji Quan (a martial art), both originated in China, share the same philosophical roots, the same movement principles and the same basics.


    It is common knowledge that the study of these disciplines can reach unimaginable depths, giving pratictioners a balanced and rewarding life. In order to be able to cultivate and maintain this life efficiently, however, in addition to a regular and sincere practice, it is essential to renounce to any mental conditioning and to carry out independent research, by becoming free from beliefs and prejudices.


    Such independent research is AMHA’s main goal.


    "Both martial arts and healing arts should be expressed as a form of personal development. The solving of the conflict (internal and external) must be the main goal of this personal development. Self-realization, in fact, can’t be realized without a deep, effective and introspective effort, capable of cutting the roots of conflict. One of the most important causes of this conflict is surely fear, in all its manifestations). Martial arts, as well as holistic disciplines (especially those belonging to the ancient eastern tradition) which promote a better quality of life, should always aim to put an end to anxiety, fear and conflict”.


    Giuseppe Delang Paterniti, AMHA’s Managing Director

  • An Alliance for Martial and Healing Arts

    AMHA (Alliance for Martial and Healing Arts) is an independent organization of schools and teachers who shares the above mentioned views and the same academic training. They also share, among AMHA’s guiding principles, the intention of evolving further than the restrictions of groups or “factions”.


    It is an Alliance whose main goals are: to research, study and spread Eastern disciplines, through its extensive and continuously updated technical programs and through its different methods.


    Affiliated schools form a Network that is capable of achieving common goals, supporting the work of each affiliated school and facilitating the sharing of attained results.


    AMHA also intends to promote the continuous updating of its allies, certifying and guaranteeing their training and professional skills annually.


    Master Giuseppe Delang Paterniti, who is an accredited expert in Qi Gong, Taiji Quan and Bioenergetic Disciplines, is the entrusted Director of AHMA.


    The leading school responsible for training and continuous updating is the “Stone Temple Tao - Traditional Oriental Arts” (www.stonetempletao.it).

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    Master Giuseppe Delang Paterniti

    Technical Director of AMHA


    Together... to practice,

    grow and unfold.

  • Requirements

    No registration fee is required and no restrictions are imposed since the Alliance dissociates itself from the profit motive and the debasement of eastern arts. Therefore, the affiliated schools are requested to fulfill the following requirements:

    • Willingness to train and update regularly, as well as desire to grow and improve. To this end, it is necessary to participate in at least one updating activity per year, choosing between: training seminars, integrative workshops, online courses, AMHA conference. These training activities are organized and provided by the leading school Stone Temple Tao - Traditional Oriental Arts (www.stonetempletao.it).
    • To participate positively in promoting the Alliance (i.e. posting the “logo” of the Alliance on the school’s website, banners and fliers, etc...).
    • Make available research work and share experiences and teaching material.
    • At least one qualification obtained from the lead school Stone Temple Tao - Traditional Oriental Arts.

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    Crossing the treshold of the Temple of Being

    The doors of knowledge, understanding and skill are open to those who work on themselves, with energetic enthusiasm, refining their own Being. Access to the Temple of Being is denied to those who maintain a rigid and restricting attitude and are solely oriented to materialistic and selfish goals. Being means, ultimately, BEING FREE.

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    The right orientation

    Genuine internal evolution is not guaranteed merely through the practice of martial arts and health disciplines. Many abilities can be attained on an “external” plane, but without achieving a corresponding “internal” transformation. Such practice should always aim to overcome personal selfish drives and to achieve freedom on a psychological plane. Were this essential orientation not present, the work done on ourselves would produce poor results.

  • Advantages

    Eastern arts are precious and priceless. Overcoming fears, selfishness and unnecessary lack of communication, along with a mutual collaboration, is necessary for mutual enrichment. Furthermore, continuous updating must underpin one's professionalism. Thanks to the cooperation among schools and teachers, AMHA can guarantee the allied members a whole series of advantages.

    • Discounts for training initiatives proposed by “Stone Temple Tao”, the leading school, by the managing and technical director or by other schools or teachers;
    • Registration of the schools or teachers, participating to the project, into the network of the Alliance);
    • Sharing of teaching material (notes, handouts, videos, etc...);
    • Posting and advertising of the affiliated schools and teachers’ facts (description of the school activity, contacts, etc...) on the web page of AMHA;
    • Opportunity of promoting on specialized magazines or on fliers and leaflets any activity of the affiliated schools and teachers, reducing costs;
    • Teaching practice, workshops and seminars can be offered by any member of AMHA;
    • AMHA PASS, a booklet which registers the participation in events, teaching practice, seminars, exams, advancing into higher ranks, instructor courses, etc...) for all schools, teachers and students;
    • AMHA Training Certificates;
    • Annual Certificate of Professional Quality (AMHA Blue Seal).
    • Free use of the AMHA logo and the Blue Seal of Quality.

    The only business we are interested in

    is our growth and unfolding.


    We don’t want to be the best,

    our aim is being what we practice.


  • Schools of AMHA

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    Traditional and Oriental Arts


    STONE TEMPLE TAO - Traditional Oriental Arts was one of the first school in Italy that offered a full program in Traditional Chen Style Taijiquan and Qigong. The school, nowadays, has established itself as one of the most important Italian academies.

    Among the many awards conquered by the School, here we mention the prestigious Cup "Best Italian School of Traditional Taijiquan" at the 5th National Championship "Chan Wu" Open (2012).

    Stone Temple Tao’s students have won several Gold Medals in various European and World Competitions (specialties: Tui Shou and Chen Style Taijiquan Barehands and Weapons Forms) organized by different federations: IWUF; WTKA; TCFE; UIKT.

    The school offers also: Tuina, Sanda, Combat Sports, Oriental Naturopathy, Bioenergetic Techniques, Paths of Awakening of Consciousness.

    Master Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo is founder of STONE TEMPLE TAO and Techincal Director of AMHA (Alliance for Martial and Healing Arts). He is 12th Generation Heir of Chen Style Taijiquan, Highest Grade Teacher (10th Level) of the Chen Zhenglei Lineage and Highest Grade Disciple (Rùshì Dìzǐ 入室弟子) of Grand Master Chen Zhenglei.

    Paterniti frequently travels in China, in the historical places of Qi Gong and Taiji Quan, to enrich his knowledge and deepen the oriental arts.

    He Conducts professional training courses (recognized by AMHA, CSEN / CONI, FISTQ and OTTO) and seminars in Italy and abroad.


    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 393 0065154

    Web-site: www.stonetempletao.it - www.taijiqigong.it

    E-mail: info@stonetempletao.it

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/taijiquan.qigong

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    Movimento Vitale offers Qigong lessons and Holistic Treatments, with the intention of promoting health through bio-natural and bioenergetic Eastern methods, leading to both physical and psycho-emotional benefits, which open Mind and Heart to a new self-awareness, giving that sense of union that harmonizes the relationship with oneself and the environment.


    Francesca Finotti began her path as a Holistic Practitioner in TraditionalChinese Medicine in 2004, attended several Three-Year Trainings and deepened her research with professional updates and amateur studies. She has trained in: Qigong; Shiatsu, Cupping, Moxibustion, Electropuncture, Chromopuncture; Plantar Reflexology with classical address and in Traditional Chinese Medicine; Biodynamic Craniosacral and Craniosacral Newborn; Pranic Healing; 1st Level of Reiki; Individual Family Constellations with objects; amateur insights into Li Shizhen's pulse studies, Crystal Therapy, Radiesthesia.


    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 347 3553877

    Web-site: http://www.movimentovitale.it

    E-Mail: francesca.finotti@yahoo.it

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MovimentoVitale/

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    MARZIALMENTE Association was founded to promote sport (specifically practice and teaching of Martial Arts) and other training activities.
    The Association's mission is the promotion of Martial Arts and Personal Growth Paths. All this to develop personal well-being in its largest definition (body-mind-spirit), upgrade social integration and improve the quality of life. For these porpouse - MARZIALMENTE - organizing body, cultural and entertainment activities.
    The Association has given rise to the following projects:

    • KARATE JITSU - School for the study of Shotokan Karate, Ju Jitsu and Qi Gong
    • ACCADEMIA INTERIORMENTE - Academy of Wellness

    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 348.4206810 (Matteo Tessarotto)

    Phone: (+39) 340.5327097 (Luca Lombardini)

    E-mail: info@marzialmente.it

    Web-sites: www.marzialmente.it; www.karatejitsu.it;



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    I am a nurse, a holistic operator specialized in Usui Reiki Ryoho, Craniosacral and Dien Chan, a Qigong instructor graduated from the Stone Temple Tao School directed by Master Giuseppe Delang Paterniti.

    I consider the person well-rounded, I accompany them towards greater self-awareness and to feel the innate communion with their body and with the entire creation.

    I offer treatments, personalized paths and Qigong courses that promote the restoration and maintenance of natural and authentic health, which brings harmony.


    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 3287153390

    Web-site: https://franci-belloni.my.canva.site/

    E-Mail: bellonifrancesca@yahoo.it

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/francesca.belloni.984

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/olisticafranci?igsh=ZnByMDdpMHMwc3g4

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    I am Giada Lorenzetto, I graduated as a Qi Gong instructor and operator at the Stone Temple Tao school in Treviso in 2023. I love to propose the practice in natural contexts enhancing the beauty of our territory.

    I am a third level traditional Japanese Ryoho Reiki practitioner trained at the Seki Ji Do school in Treviso of Master Giuseppe Paterniti.

    Furthermore, thanks to my studies as a Radiesthesist, I carry out energy tests aimed in particular at emotional rebalancing through Bach Flowers and Australian Flowers.

    I have been studying Chen Style Taijiquan at Master Paterniti's school since 2016.


    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 3667406383

    E-Mail: giadamore78@gmail.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/giada.lorenzetto.1

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/giada_lorenzetto/

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    Specialist in TCM, Chinese Nutrition and Phytoteraphy integration that works in Verona and on-line.

    My mission is to help people to improve their health through natural practices or to use thema as support to modern medicine.

    My motto is: " If you see a hungry man, don't give him rice, teach him to coltivate it himself", since the intent is to put my skills and competences at disposal to make people understant that inside each of us there is already the strength of self-healing.


    For further information:

    Tel: +39 347 095 8141

    E-Mail: energiadelcibo@outlook.com

    Website: https://margheritacarli.wixsite.com/website

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/energiadelcibo

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    MCD NATUROPATH - Maria Chiara Destro


    Dr. Maria Chiara Destro, Naturopath, Nutritional Consultant specialized in the kinesiological test of food intolerances, Floriterapist, Foot Reflexologist, Qi Gong Instructor.

    As a Naturopath I try to "EDUCATE WELL-BEING" that is, share a correct "LIFE STYLE".

    Achieving this goal requires an individual and personalized path, unique in its kind, depending on the person to be helped.

    Obtaining results is not so simple: the therapist must gain the client's trust, demonstrating competence and preparation, but, at the same time, must propose and obtain the client's active participation. How to achieve such collaboration? Showing great ability to LISTEN and a sense of HUMANITY, therefore empathizing with their experience, thanks to your personal experiences.


    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 3286721441

    Web-site: www.mariachiaradestro.it

    E-Mail: info@mariachiaradestro.it

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/MariaChiaraDestroNaturopata

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/mariachiaradestronaturopata/

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    Qi Gong Instructor graduate at STONE TEMPLE TAO - Traditional Oriental Arts, the School of Master Giuseppe Paterniti (www.taijiqigong.it).


    For further information:

    Annarita Fabbro (teacher)

    Phone: (+39) 329 4376178

    E-Mail: annarita.fabbro@libero.it

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    The San Bao Association was founded in order to promote the teaching and practice of the Arts of the Tao in Trentino, focusing in particular on Tai Chi Chi Kung, an art that follows the ancient principles of Taoist philosophy that are re-evaluated in the light of Western scientific developments.

    A holistic approach to self-knowledge is also offered through Enneagram paths, meditation and nutritional awareness.
    The founder, Liliana Atz is a psychologist, Tai Chi Chi Kung and Shiatsu instructor, and an expert in traditional Chinese medicine with years of teaching experience.

    She is convinced that there is a common thread that unites therapeutic-Eastern philosophical disciplines and western scientific culture and, as founder of the San Bao association, promotes personal growth activities through work on the bodymind.

    A certified Enneagram teacher, Atz has written the EnneaMediCina series of books as well as a number of articles and publications.
    Weekly courses are held from October to May in: Lavis (Tn) Gardolo (Tn) Cognola (Tn).


    For further information:

    Liliana Atz (teacher)

    Phone: +39 347 7363379

    E-mail: info@san-bao.it

    Web-site: www.san-bao.it

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    For further information:
    Phone: (+39) 338 923 65 57 or (+39) 392 567 77 06
    E-mail: luca.lenzi@forzavitale.info - info@forzavitale.info
    Web-site: www.forzavitale.info 

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    For further information:

    Taiji - Qi Gong Alba

    Giovanna Porro (teacher)

    Phone: (+39) 328 8298701

    E-mail: info@taijiqigongalba.it

    Web-site: www.taijiqigongalba.it


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    STUDIO RESPIRA offers a vast range of oriental and western techniques, ancient and modern , all of which have recognized efficacy. Our main goal is to obtain harmony between body and mind and find personal wellbeing.


    For further information:

    Emanuelle Serrao (teacher)

    Phone: (+39) 3401911074

    E-mail: info@studiorespira.com

    Web-site: www.studiorespira.com

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    QI HAI


    Qi Hai, in traditional Chinese medicine, is a point where it's possibile to focus the man's vital energy and, translated from Chinese,it means "sea of energy". The association wants to represent this "sea", that is the result of all our experience in the psychological well-being field. Through various forms of Qi Gong, the practice becomes a complete work tool, which gives to the student unity and strength of body and mind, in total peace and harmony. We're continuing unabated our training, that is a key condition for good results and to continue to grow. At the same time we believe that this can be also applied to our students, which we recommend to practice constantly. Who became part of our group will find acceptance and pleasure in sharing, which are a stimulus and support in learning, in a continuous energy exchange.


    For further information:

    Phone: 333 471 4225 (Michele)

    Phone: 333 9692961 (Orietta)

    E-mail: qihaiferrara@libero.it

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/qihaiferrara

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    The Association "Il Nido dell'Anima" it aims to spread the oriental arts that are inspired by the cultivation of the self and the well-being of the person, understood both as an individual and part of the community.

    At the moment the association offers courses in the following disciplines:

    - Qi Gong (mainly Taoist, Buddhist, medical)
    - Traditional Chinese Medicine and Complementary Techniques
    - Dien Chan Zone® Facial Reflexology
    In order to achieve well-being, in addition to the courses, the Association offers individual foot reflexology, facial reflexology, tuina and body treatments.

    The Association actively collaborates with the Onconauti Association, based in Bologna, which deals with the psychophysical recovery of the person who has had cancer and his caregivers, offering Qi Gong courses and individual treatments within defined recovery programs C.I.R.O. (integrated cancer recovery center).


    For further information:

    Phone: +39 328 8538596

    E-mail: info@ilnidodellanima.com

    Web-site: www.ilnidodellanima.com

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    The main activities of " - Tuina & Qigong" concern, as can be seen by the same name, the Chinese Massage (Tuina) and the Art of Cultivating Life (Qi Gong). Those disciplines are addressed to people of all ages: children, teenagers, adults and elderly.
    The teacher, Alida Costa, has the following qualifications:
    Certified Qi Gong Operator F.I.S.T.Q.
    Certified Tuina Operator F.I.S.T.Q.
    Certificate of Specialization in Tuina for Kids F.I.S.T.Q.
    Diploma of Conductor for Zhineng Qi Gong Classes
    "Little Dragons" Certificate (regarding competences to teach Qi Gong and Taiji Quan for children) AMHA - FISTQ
    For further information:

    Alida Costa

    Phone: +39 335 1997436
    E-mail: alidadellest@gmail.com

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    The Dojo Drakaina deals with the practice, study and dissemination of different styles of Qi Gong and Chen style Taiji Quan, as traditional martial art but also as a way of personal growth which aims to elevate the individual at the center of attention, in order to live in harmony with the environment and to find your own place as connection between heaven and Earth. This path will teach you how to manage the body at physical and mental point of view, studiyng Taiji Quan in its real essence and completeness.

    Since she started to practice Taiji Quan, Master Kety Laudani has dedicated himself to this art with a passionate and intensive study, conducting, in addiction, an important competitive activity. Today, she studies and continues to improve himself with some of the greatest masters of Taiji Quan. Far from the closure point of view imposed by many teachers, who use Taiji only as a eulogy and expression of their ego, the main objectif of M° Laudani is to disseminate that the Taiji Quan, and the Taoist philosophy behindit, are mainly a lifestyle: the study of Taiji is also useful for those who do not seek the purely martial aspect and, more importantly, to convey a concept. Taiji is not only practice, Taiji has to be lived!

    Dojo Drakaina has Taiji and Qi Gong courses in: Catania, Aci Bonaccorsi and Gravina di Catania.


    For further information:

    Phone: +39 330 367 327

    E-mail: info@dojodrakaina.it

    Web-site: www.dojodrakaina.it

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    The Alla Sorgente del Tao School aims to transmit the arts of Qigong and Chen style Taijiquan as tools to achieve a deep work on the self and to return to the essence.

    The instructor Federica Siciliano, formed in Qigong and Taijiquan Chen style with Master Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo, allows to practice on the same line of research and study that make these arts living treasures for humanity.


    For further information:

    Phone: +39 393 549 6779

    E-Mail: allasorgentedeltao@libero.it

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    Master Vincenzo Cabibbo, at the headquarter of Kurama Association, mainly proposes the study and the practice of Chen Style Taiji Quan (according to the AMHA programs), Tui Shou and Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho (according to Seki School Ji Do).
    The primary objective is to promote in all students a deep and stable sense of harmony between body, mind and everything around us.

    The headquarters is located in Ragusa, Via degli Oleandri 114.


    For information:
    Phone: (+39) 340 2789362
    E-mail: vincenzocabibbo@gmail.com​

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    During his three year stay in Malta, our first Chen family Taijiquan teacher Yu Fei shared with us the fundamental aspects of this Martial Art. Following his departure in 2007 the "Malta Chen Taijiquan Association" was established to promote the study of this art Malta. The more advanced pupils within the association continued their studies with the ITKA (International Taijiqaun Kingfu Association) headed by Gianfranco Pace. This collaboration lasted for around six years, following which a decision was taken to become more autonomous as an Association, while at the same time explore new horizons related to this art. This is happening today, for instance, through the collaboration with the Alliance for the Martial and Healing Arts (AMHA) headed by Master Giuseppe Paterniti. The Malta Chen Taijiquan Association provides a method of study to allow its pupils understand how Taijiquan can be effective to stay healthy and also for self defense. The study program includes Qigong, traditional forms of the style, Tui Shou (Push Hands), sparring, self defense techniques plus the study of a number of taditional Chinese weapons. Recently the school started another ambitious project by offering Xingyiquan classes as part of its program.


    For further information:

    Conrad Laus (teacher)

    Phone: +356 99457720

    E-mail: info@maltataichi.com

    Web-site: http://maltataichi.com/

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/maltataiji

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    Monica Martin, responsible for TAI CHI DROPS, teaches Taiji Quan Yang and Chen in Amsterdam.
    He began studying Taiji Quan in Italy in 2005, and then continued his training in USA - Portland, Oregon (with Master Jiamin Gao) and in Tokyo (with Master Luo Jing and Master Luo Liuqing ).
    Currently she continues her studies in Amsterdam with Master Amien Ho (Yang Style and Chen Style Taiji Quan) and with Master Xia Li Wuang (Mulan Taiji Quan).
    Recently she met Master Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo, thanks to which she has been certified for the teaching of Chen Shi Kung Fu and Qigong for Children (according to the AMHA Academic Programs) and plans to start teaching this discipline at ISA (International School of Amsterdam).
    Monica has as main objective to share his passion for this ancient art with as many people as possible, in the firm conviction that Taiji transcends all cultures and ages.


    For further information:

    Monica Martin (teacher)

    Phone: +31 (0) 646199141

    E-mail: moki.martin@yahoo.com

    Web-site: www.taichidrops.com

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    ASIA SALUD is an association whose purpose is to promote and disseminate the disciplines, complementary therapies and oriental energy techniques that treat and exercise the body, balance the mind and promote health for all people, in order to achieve greater well-being and quality of life.

    In our association we carry out the following activities:

    - Health care on a physical, mental and spiritual level through internal disciplines such as the Qigong (systems of the Chinese Health Qigong Association, as well as the original methods and systems of Master Ke Wen of the Les Temps du Corps school in Paris) and Taijiquan.

    - Promotion and dissemination of body therapies based on Traditional Chinese Medicine such as Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Reflexology.

    - Promotion and dissemination of relaxing and meditative techniques, as well as activities in harmony with nature such as forest bathing (shinrin-yoku).

    - Disseminate oriental classical thinking and its philosophy.


    For further information:

    Tel: +34 626 741 167

    E-Mail: asiasalud1@gmail.com

    Web-site: www.asiasalud.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/asiasalud/

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    Andrea Caniato is a Brussels-based Qigong instructor. After starting to practice Qigong and Chen-style Taijiquan in Belgium, he obtained his Qigong instructor grade in Italy under the guidance and supervision of Master Giuseppe Paterniti (Stone Temple Tao). He is currently working on his Chen-style Taijiquan in view of future certification.

    Andrea also has a musical background and conducts intensive research on the human voice and on ways of refining and developing the voice in line with the principles of internal martial arts.


    For further information:

    Phone: +32485337017

    Web-site: www.qigonglaracine.be

    E-Mail: qigongschaerbeek@gmail.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552527998764

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    The Chen Taijiquan Leuven is a distinguished traditional Chinese martial arts school, graciously hosted by Studio Zuid, a tranquil and picturesque sanctuary for Yoga and various Mindfulness practices in the heart of Leuven. Immersed in an atmosphere of peace and harmony, our school offers expert-led courses in Chen family Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and QiGong.

    We take pride in offering a truly holistic and traditional approach to martial arts, where the martial discipline is beautifully intertwined with deep philosophical teachings and spiritual growth. Our courses provide a journey of self-discovery, cultivating strength,
    balance, and inner peace in every practitioner.

    For further information:

    Phone: +32 468164766

    Web-site: https://chentaijileuven.com/

    E-Mail: niccolo.cividini@gmail.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61571122001688

  • Teachers and Operators AMHA

    NOTE: For each of the "allies" are given the qualifications as a teacher and the qualifications as operator (not teaching). For specific information about the skills of each teacher / operators​, contact us!

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    Giuseppe Delang Paterniti
    Chen style Taijiquan; Reiki Ryoho; Bioenergetic Methods; Internal Alchemy (Nei Dan); Holosophy.
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    Enrica Fossa
    Chen style Taijiquan; Qigong
    Reiki Ryoho.
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    Katya Pascoletti
    Chen style Taijiquan;
    Reiki Ryoho.
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    Andrea Balliana
    Chen style Taijiquan;
    Kung Fu;
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    Elia Moretton
    Chen style Taijiquan; Kung Fu; Sanda.
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    Celeste Brugnera
    Chen Style Taijiquan;
    Reiki Ryoho.
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    Francesca Finotti
    Qigong, Shiatsu and other TCM methods; Reflexology; Craniosacral Biodynamics; Energy techniques.
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    Francesca Belloni
    Reiki Ryoho.
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    Giada Lorenzetto
    Reiki Ryoho; Radiesthesia; Bach and Australian flowers.
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    Raffaele Gatto
    Holistic Operator Specialized in Oriental Methods (S.A.N.O. School)
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    Lorenzo Signorello
    Chen Style Taijiquan; Sanda; Reiki Ryoho.
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    Matteo Tessarotto
    Karate; Ju Jitsu.
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    Luca Lombardini
    Karate; Ju Jitsu.
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    Margherita Carli
    TCM; Chinese Nutrition;
    Phytoteraphy; Bach Flowers;
    Qigong; Reiki Ryoho
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    Maria Chiara Destro
    Naturopathy; Nutrition; Floritherapy; Reflexology, Qi Gong.
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    Annarita Fabbro
    Qigong; Naturopatia; Shiatsu; Fiori di Bach; Reiki Ryoho.
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    Alessandro Bernardi
    Chen Style Taijiquan;
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    Liliana Atz
    Yang Style Taijiquan; Qigong; Shiatsu; MTC; Enneagram; Neurology of Meditation.
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    Luca Lenzi
    Qigong; Reiki Ryoho; Riflessologia.
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    Elisa Palermo
    Qigong; Reiki Ryoho.
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    Giovanna Porro
    Qigong; Taijiquan; Kung Fu.
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    Andrea Fauzia
    Kung Fu; Taijiquan; Qigong.
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    Alida Costa
    Tuina for Children; Qigong.
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    Qigong; Chen style Taijiquan; Shiatsu; Meditation.
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    Michele Villotti
    Qigong; Chen style Taijiquan; Meditation.
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    Fabrizio Fontana
    Qigong, Reflexology, Tuina.
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    Emanuelle Serrao
    Qigong; Shiatsu; Traditional Thai Massage; Tuina; Reiki; Rebirthing; Olistic Counseling and Energetic Tecniques.
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    Kety Laudani
    Chen Style Taijiquan; Qigong.
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    Federica Siciliano
    Qigong; Chen style Taijiquan.
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    Chen Style Taijiquan; Kung Fu; Reiki Ryoho; Tuina.
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    Chen Style Taijiquan; Xing Yi Quan; Qigong.
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    Richard Galea Debono
    Chen Style Taijiquan; Xing Yi Quan; Qigong.
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    Monica Martin
    Chen & Yang Style Taijiquan; Qigong.
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    Angel Rubi Bonilla
    Chen & Yang Style Taijiquan; Qigong.
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    María Luján Giménez​BARCELONA
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    Andrea Caniato
    Chen Style Taijiquan.
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    Niccolò Cividini
    Chen Style Taijiquan; Baguazhang; Qigong.
  • Continuous Update

    In order for teachers and operators adhering to AMHA to increase their professionalism and skills, continuous training and incessant research are necessary. In fact, each training path certainly does not end with the achievement of any qualification but, on the contrary, continues constantly throughout the life of each individual professional.


    Updating is an integral part of the work of every teacher and/or operator: only in this way is it possible to improve, grow and enrich oneself continuously and in every respect.


    Every professional has the essential responsibility to always maintain a high level of their skills and abilities, for this reason refresher courses represent the main way to carry out one's profession in the best possible way.


    AMHA, through the leading school Stone Temple Tao - Traditional Oriental Arts, ensures its teachers and operators the possibility of remaining constantly updated, in compliance with a professional ethic that cannot renounce self-refinement and continuous improvement.


    AMHA also indirectly guarantees its “allies” clients and students a service that is always up to the highest training standards, while at the same time promoting the spread of high-quality martial and holistic disciplines.


    For this reason, the AMHA Blue Seal has been introduced, which is renewed annually for teachers and operators who participate in at least one training activity during each academic season.


    Holders of the Blue Seal, or the Quality Certificate issued by AMHA, will thus be able to demonstrate to their students and/or clients their commitment to maintaining the high value of their knowledge and skills.


    In a world where it is difficult to orient oneself to distinguish what is truly valid and valuable from what is not, this really makes the difference.


    AMHA teachers and operators who are up to date with annual updates will also have the opportunity to maintain their space in theSchoolsand Teacherssections and will be present on the “Blue Seal” page/list.




    It is required to participate annually in at least one of the following events:

    • Training seminars (in person or online)
    • Integrative workshops (in person or online)
    • AMHA annual conference

    These training events are organized and provided by the Stone Temple Tao Leading School, which offers the following educational courses:

    • Professional training for Taijiquan Teachers (different levels)
    • Professional training for Qigong Operators and Instructors
    • Professional training for Holistic and Oriental Naturopathy Operators (SANO)
    • Professional training for Holistic Operators Specialized in Holosophic Theory and Practice (KHYMEIA)
    • Professional training for Traditional Japanese Reiki Operators and Teachers (SEKI JI DO)

    Each ally will be able to choose to carry out their own update by attending just one appointment provided for by the paths mentioned above. At the end of the chosen training, a certificate of participation will be given with the number of hours completed (also usable at other institutions). On an annual basis, the Guaranteed Quality Certificate will be issued. Teachers and operators who are up to date with annual updates will also have the opportunity to maintain their space in the sections of the AMHA website: "Schools", "Teachers" and "Blue Seal".

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  • Blue Seal

    Quality guaranteed by AMHA for 2024/2025 

    List of teachers and operators who, for the current season, have joined the continuous updating program, maintaining the high quality of their training and skills.

    Francesca Belloni
    Qigong Instructor


    Francesca Finotti
    Qigong Instructor


    Raffaele Gatto
    Oriental Naturopathy Operator S.A.N.O.; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Giada Lorenzetto
    Qigong Instructor; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Maria Chiara Destro
    Qigong Instructor


    Margherita Carli
    Qigong Instructor; Reiki Ryoho Master


    Annarita Fabbro
    Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan STT Trainer; Oriental Naturopathy Operator S.A.N.O.


    Andrea Fauzia
    Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan Instructor for Children; Taijiquan STT Trainer; Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor Level 3
    (Alba - Cuneo)


    Orietta Montagnolo
    Qigong Instructor; STT Taijiquan Coach; Taijiquan for Health Instructor


    Michele Villotti
    Qigong Instructor; STT Taijiquan Coach; Taijiquan for Health Instructor


    Fabrizio Fontana
    Qigong Instructor


    Federica Siciliano
    Qigong Instructor; STT Taijiquan Instructor; Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor Level 5; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Andrea Caniato
    Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan for Health Instructor
    (Brussels - Belgium)


    Angel Rubì Bonilla
    Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan for Health Instructor
    (Barcelona - Spain)


    Antonio Visonà
    Qigong Instructor


    Riccardo Falciani
    Qigong Instructor


    Annamaria Bissoli
    Qigong Instructor


    Daniela Breda
    Qigong Instructor; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Samuele Contessa
    Taijiquan STT Trainer - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 6th Level


    Roberto Morini
    Taijiquan STT Trainer


    Licia Zanolla
    Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan STT Trainer; Taiji for Health Instructor


    Elena Bocelli
    Qigong Instructor


    Guido Sacchetto
    Qigong Instructor; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Niccolò Cividini
    Taijiquan STT Trainer - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 4th Level
    (Leuven - Belgium)


    Gilberto Paglia
    Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 4th Level


    Alberto Sapienza
    Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 4th Level


    Caterina Fighera
    Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 2nd Level; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Nicole D'Eliso
    Instructor Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation 1st Level


    Enrica Fossa
    Taijiquan STT Instructor - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 7th Level; Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan Instructor for Children; Reiki Ryoho Master


    Katya Pascoletti
    Taijiquan STT Instructor - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 4th Level; Qigong Instructor; Reiki Ryoho Master; Operator in Oriental Naturopathy S.A.N.O.


    Elia Moretton
    Taijiquan STT Instructor - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 6th Level; Taijiquan Instructor for Children; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Andrea Balliana
    Taijiquan STT Master - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 6th Level (Treviso); Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan Instructor for Children; Reiki Ryoho Operator; Operator in Oriental Natuopathy S.A.N.O.


    Celeste Brugnera
    Qigong Instructor; Taijiquan STT Trainer; Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Instructor 2nd Level; Reiki Ryoho Operator


    Giuseppe Paterniti
    Taijiquan STT Master - Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation Teacher 10th Level; Qigong Master; Taijiquan Instructor for Children; Reiki Ryoho Master; Teacher and Operator in Oriental Naturopathy S.A.N.O.; Holosophic Teacher and Operator "Khymeia"
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  • Events

    The most important events of the Alliance for Martial and Healing Arts

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    Professional Training Course in Qi Gong

    Academic Year 2024/2025 - Villorba (Treviso) - ITALY

    Directed by Master Giuseppe Delang Paterniti.

    Upcoming intensive seminars:
    November 23 - 24, 2024

    February 15 - 16, 2025

    April 05 - 06, 2025

    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 393 0065154

    Email: info@stonetempletao.it

    Web site: www.stonetempletao.it

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    Professional Training Course in Chen Style Taiji Quan

    Academic Year 2024/2025 - Villorba (Treviso) - ITALY

    Directed by Master Giuseppe Delang Paterniti.

    Upcoming intensive seminars:

    October 19 - 20, 2024

    January 11 - 12, 2025

    March 22 - 23, 2025

    For further information:

    Phone: (+39) 393 0065154

    Email: info@stonetempletao.it

    Web site: www.stonetempletao.it

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    Tai Chi for Health 20025 ☯️

    Corso Online per conseguire la qualifica di Istruttore di Taijiquan per la salute.

    Held by Master Giuseppe Delang Paterniti.

    LIVE ONLINE COURSE (with recordings available!).

    Course start: March 2025.

    Course attendance: every Wednesday from 8.30pm to 10.00pm on the Zoom platform.

    At the end of the course there will be a final ONLINE exam which will allow you to obtain the Certificate issued by the Chen Zhenglei Taijiquan Federation: the World Academy directed by Grand Master Chen Zhenglei.


    Per informazioni e iscrizioni:

    📧 katya@stonetempletao.it

    ☎️ (+39) 393 006 5154


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    International Taijiquan Summer Camp

    with Gran Master Chen Zhenglei

    Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) ITALY, from 6th to 13th June, 2024

    A fantastic Summer Campus by the sea with Grand Master Chen Zhenglei and his Top Masters:

    Chen Yuayuan (daughter of the Grand Master);

    Yan Zhigang (aka: Jack)

    Liming Yue

    Giuseppe Delang Paterniti


    When: From 6 to 13 June 2024

    Where: At the Bella Italia Village Sports Village in Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD)

    Seminar topics: Laojia Yi Lu; Xinjia Yi Lu; Sword; Double Saber; Tui Shou.

    For information: info@chenzhenglei.it

    Telephone: (+39) 3930065154


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    AMHA MEETING 2018 - Residential Seminar

    Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), June, 08-09-10, 2018.

    The multidisciplinary residential seminar, conducted by teachers of the main schools affiliated to the Alliance.

    Taiji, Qi gong, Martial Arts, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Alchemy, Coaching e much more! All in one event!


    The speakers: Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo, Silvia Fossa, Katya Pascoletti, Federico Berti, Emanuelle Serrao, Orietta Montagnolo, Michele Villotti, Annarita Fabbro, Liliana Atz, Conrad Laus, Matteo Tessarotto, Kety Laudani


    The event will take place in a fantastic resort, full of attractions, swimming pools and sports equipment.


    For further information:

    Email: katya@stonetempletao.it
    Phone: (+39) 3496009404

    Web site: www.amhaonline.org

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    TAIJI SUMMERCAMP 2018-AMHA's Residential Seminar

    Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) ITALY, from 15th to 17th June, 2018

    Chen Style Taiji Quan Seminar conducted by Chen style Taiji Quan 12th Generation Masters Liming Yue and Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo.

    The event will take place in a fantastic resort, full of attractions, swimming pools and sports equipment.


    For further information:
    Phone: (+39) 3930065154
    Email: mail@amha.info
    Web site: www.amhaonline.org

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    AMHA's Residential Seminar

    Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) ITALY, from 16th to 18th June, 2017

    Chen Style Taiji Quan Seminar conducted by Master Giuseppe Paterniti Lupo.

    The event will take place in a fantastic resort, full of attractions, swimming pools and sports equipment.

    For further information:
    Phone: (+39) 393 0065154
    Email: mail@amha.info
    Web site: www.amhaonline.org


  • Contact us!

    Phone (+39) 393 0065154


  • AMHA is also present on social networks!

    Come and visit us!

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    Facebook page of AMHA

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    Twitter page of AMHA

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    YouTube page of the

    School Leader


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    Soon on Skype!
